End Of Financial Year Infomation And Reminders

June 07, 2019

End of Financial Year Information and Reminders


It’s almost the end of the financial year again, so in preparation …


Payment Summaries: (group certificates) will be emailed out.  If we currently email your staff’s payslips to their personal email addresses, they will receive their Payment Summary to the same address.  If we do not currently send your payslips out via email, we will email all Payment Summaries to our authorised payroll contact.

Payment Summaries are due to be disbursed to your staff by the 14th of July, we will provide all Payment Summaries as soon as possible before this date.


If you would prefer an alternate disbursement method please indicate below:

Hard copy in my payroll package (additional postage if required)                yes  /   no
Envelope and enclose with my reports ($1.15 each excl. GST)       yes  /   no
Post directly to my employees ($2.50 each excl. GST)                       yes  /   no


Return to Work SA (WorkCover) Reconciliation: Please indicate if you would like our office to complete this on your behalf:                                                                  yes   /  no

You have likely received an email from RTWSA in the past fortnight which advises your businesses’ assigned password and levy percentage for the 2019/2020 financial year.

Please send this notification to our office – Due 9th June. Please note our office will require the new levy percentage to update your reporting even if you do not require our office to complete the reconciliation lodgement.


If you would like our office to complete the reconciliation on behalf of the business, please advise the following: 

For the estimate value for the 2019/2020 year we will project the estimate to be approximately 3% greater than the reportable value for 2018/2019 year. If you would like us to report an alternative value please advise.
Do you employ the services of a Labour Hire company?  yes   /  no

Name of Labour Hire Company:
ABN of Labour Hire Company:
Value paid to Labour Hire Company in 2018/2019:

If you intend to pay wages to a working Director during the 2019/2020 financial year, please provide:

Name of Director(s)
Estimated annual remuneration (including super)


Payroll Tax Reconciliation: Please indicate below if you would like our office to complete this on your behalf. (If applicable)                                                                                                                      yes  /   no

Please send through the documentation you will shorty recieve from Rev Net, which will contain the password and login details we will require to complete the reconciliation. 


Additional Super / Director Super Payments: If you have paid additional super, which is not already on the payroll records, and this figure needs to be included in your Workcover and Payroll Tax Reconciliations, please provide the details below by the 9th of June         

Full Legal Name
Date of Birth
Tax File Number
Value of additional super to be added to the records

Reportable Fringe Benefits (FBT): (If applicable) This applies if the total taxable value of certain fringe benefits provided to the payee exceeds $2000 in the FBT year (1 April to 30 March). If this applies to your business, please email us the ‘Reportable Fringe Benefit’ value (the grossed-up taxable value of those benefits) to be recorded on the payee’s Payment Summary. – Due 9th June.


Super Payments: If we lodge your super via a clearing house and you would like the June super procesed prior to the 30th of June, you will need to contact our office to arrange rescheduling your June payrolls to be procesed in advance.

If you require the staff’s June super to be deposited into their personal accounts prior to the 30th of June, the clearing houses have requested more than two weeks processing time.
If you require the June super to be transferred out of the business’ account priror to the 30th of June for the purpose of your 2018/2019 financial records, the super clearing houses have requested at least one week processing time.

If you require advance processing, it is imperative that you contact our office as soon as possible to enable us to re-schedule your processing dates. – Due 9th June


Award Rates of Pay: The Government has advised a 3% wage increase. Our office will implement these Award rate increases from the first full pay period after 1st July.  If you would like any agreed rates increased, these need to be advised in writing on the attached excel spreadsheet at least five business days prior to the applicable payroll day.   


PAYG Withholding Tax: Refer to the Year To Date (YTD) tax value shown on the Category Summary report each pay.  This is the value of PAYG that has been deducted from your staff for the current financial year.  This should match the amount that you have paid to the ATO to date. If your payments do not agree with this amount you may include adjustments in your June BAS to avoid any fines or penalties.


Annual ATO Payment Summary Statement & EMPDUPE File: We will send you the annual reconciliation in the form of an EMPDUPE file.  Please ensure this is lodged online no later than August 15th, by whom ever has your business’ AUSkey access (most commonly a director or accountant).


Single Touch: All our clients are covered by an extension, offered by the ATO, until June 30. Our office will shortly be sending out notification to all clients to provide details of the upcoming changes.


Invoice Payments: Just a reminder of our company policy that no end of year processing will be finalised if your invoice payments are not up to date (up to and including the May invoice). If you need to finalise your accounts and require the amount please contact our office to avoid any delays in processing your Payment Summaries and reconciliations.


Please confirm your business’ end of year requirements by Sunday the 9th of June.


Your understanding and cooperation during this busy period is greatly appreciated.

If you are able to minimise low priority phone queries and where possible direct your correspondence through email we will make every attempt to get back to you promptly. 

Thank you.

Kindest Regards,

Integrated Payroll Systems

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