The Stage 2 step-down of the JobKeeper scheme comes into effect for any regular payroll payments occurring from the 4th of January.
For your business to be eligible to continue with the JobKeeper scheme, the business’ turnover in the December Quarter (October to December 2020) should demonstrate a 30% or more decrease in comparison to the same period in 2019. If eligible to continue, employees who were receiving Tier 1 payments of $1,200/ftn will reduce to $1,000/ftn and those receiving Tier 2 payments will reduce from $750/ftn to $650/ftn.
Given the holiday season the government have allowed an extension for JobKeeper payments for fortnights 21 & 22 (payments scheduled for 4/01/2021 to 31/01/2021). If you are unsure if the turnover for the December quarter will show a 30% downturn, please let our office know that your eligibility is unclear. We can hold off on any JobKeeper payments to your staff for fortnights 21 and 22, as these can be delayed until the 31st of January, when you should be able to confirm if the business is eligible.
Please see the below link for further details.